The Farewelling of a Home
A liturgy for anyone who wishes to say goodbye to their home, and to say it well. It can be led by the householder, a friend or other minister and may be used for a number of purposes, including when moving into a retirement village.
This liturgy is very fine indeed. It will find its way into many places on a variety of occasions. It fills a large gap in the feminine half of creation. The writing is beautiful.
– Joy Cowley, ONZ, DCNZM
Very user-friendly. Many will find the notes and suggestions helpful as they adapt the liturgy so it fits and honours individual circumstances.
– The Ven. Helen Roud, Archdeacon of Christchurch
A liturgy for anyone who wishes to say goodbye to their home, and to say it well. It can be led by the householder, a friend or other minister and may be used for a number of purposes, including when moving into a retirement village.
This liturgy is very fine indeed. It will find its way into many places on a variety of occasions. It fills a large gap in the feminine half of creation. The writing is beautiful.
– Joy Cowley, ONZ, DCNZM
Very user-friendly. Many will find the notes and suggestions helpful as they adapt the liturgy so it fits and honours individual circumstances.
– The Ven. Helen Roud, Archdeacon of Christchurch
A liturgy for anyone who wishes to say goodbye to their home, and to say it well. It can be led by the householder, a friend or other minister and may be used for a number of purposes, including when moving into a retirement village.
This liturgy is very fine indeed. It will find its way into many places on a variety of occasions. It fills a large gap in the feminine half of creation. The writing is beautiful.
– Joy Cowley, ONZ, DCNZM
Very user-friendly. Many will find the notes and suggestions helpful as they adapt the liturgy so it fits and honours individual circumstances.
– The Ven. Helen Roud, Archdeacon of Christchurch